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Women’s Hormone + Perimenopause Insights Blood Test



Gain detailed insights into your hormonal and nutritional health with our comprehensive Perimenopause Blood Test.

Pinpoint the underlying issues and manage your symptoms effectively. 


✨  Stabilize mood swings

✨  Regulate irregular periods

✨  Limit hot flashes and drenching sweats

✨  Manage weight and appetite changes

✨  Enhance overall energy and vitality


At-home blood test  |  Fast and free delivery


    You're probably

    • What is perimenopause?
      Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading up to menopause, during which your body begins to make less estrogen. This phase can last for several years and often comes with a variety of symptoms due to fluctuating hormone levels. Perimenopause typically occurs in women between their mid-40s and mid-50s but can start earlier or later.
    • What are the early symptoms?
      Perimenopause ushers in a range of symptoms that can affect your physical and emotional health. Key indicators include: Irregular menstrual cycles that become shorter, longer, more sporadic, or differ in flow. Hot flashes and night sweats, leading to discomfort and sleep disturbances. Mood swings, increased anxiety, or depression, affecting your emotional well-being. Physical changes like weight gain, decreased libido, or vaginal dryness.
    • What exactly is the Perimenopause Blood Test?
      Our Understanding Perimenopause Blood Test is designed to assess key biomarkers crucial in understanding hormonal and metabolic changes associated with the perimenopausal transition. This comprehensive panel includes measurements of hormones such as Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Estradiol, and Progesterone, which provide insights into ovarian function and hormonal balance. Additionally, thyroid function is evaluated through Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free Thyroxine (FT4) levels, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of endocrine health. This test provides a holistic view, aiding healthcare professionals in tailoring personalized interventions for perimenopausal well-being. Interpretation should be done in consultation with a healthcare provider for accurate diagnosis and management. Please note that this blood test can not be used to diagnose perimenopause or menopause.
    • When Should I Get Tested?
      Timing is crucial. While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, women typically start to experience perimenopausal changes in their mid-40s. However, if you're in your late 30s or early 40s and notice symptoms suggestive of hormonal changes, it's wise to consider testing. The onset of perimenopause varies widely among individuals, making it essential to listen to your body.
    • How does the early-access work?
      By signing up for early access, you secure your priority spot in our exclusive program, limited to just 499 women. This not only ensures your place but also gives you the advantage of being among the first to receive and utilize our comprehensive perimenopause blood test and pre-consultation with GP specialist. After reserving your place, you will receive an email with further details, including payment instructions and the expected date when you will receive our test kit.
    • How soon does the programme start?
      Understanding Perimenopause Blood Test + Medical Consultation early access program is set to begin at the start of April. This marks the opening phase for our limited offer, aimed at providing pioneering women with the opportunity to gain early insights into their perimenopause status.
    • What does the free pre-consultation with a GP involve?
      The free pre-consultation offers you a one-on-one session with a GP who specializes in women's health, particularly perimenopause. During the consultation, you can discuss your health concerns, symptoms, and test results. The GP will provide personalized advice on managing symptoms and optimizing your health during the perimenopause transition.

    How it works?

    Simple and convenient!

    Purchase the test kit

    Choose the right solution for you and take a step towards a healthier, more balanced you.

    Do your test at home

    Your test kit arrives in 2-3 days with instructions on how to take your sample. Then free post your sample back to the lab.

    Receive results

    You’ll get the results within 2-5 working days. We will send them to the email address you provided when purchasing.

    Consult your results*

    After receiving the results, we will send an email with a link to schedule an appointment with a specialist.
    *Applies only to packages with consultation.

    Kara Griffiths
    At 42, I started experiencing irregular periods and weight changes. I decided to take perimeno test to get some answers. The process was straightforward, and the results were very comprehensive.
    Lois Collins
    I've been struggling with night sweats and mood swings for months. This test gave me clear answers and helped me understand what was going on with my body. Highly recommend to anyone going through similar issues!
    Abigail Moss
    The detailed results allowed my doctor to tailor a treatment plan specifically for me, I made some dietary changes that have made a huge difference! I finally have my energy back and feel more like myself again.

    Hormone profile

    FSH, Estradiol, Progesterone:

    During perimenopause, your body's hormone levels may fluctuate. These changes can affect your menstrual cycle, fertility, and overall hormonal balance.

    Iron metabolism

    Ferritin and Iron:

    These markers provide insight into how your body processes iron. A fluctuation in iron levels can affect your energy, cognitive function, and overall health.

    Thyroid profile

    TSH and FT4:

    These hormones play an important role in your metabolism and energy levels. TSH levels show how well your thyroid is working, and FT4 levels indicate how effectively your body regulates thyroid hormones. 

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immunity, and mood. During perimenopause, its levels may fluctuate, affecting overall well-being and susceptibility to health issues.

    All you need to know

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    Women’s Hormone + Perimenopause Insights Blood Test


    ✔️ At-home blood test

    ✔️ Detailed report with results

    ✔️ Results within 2-3 working days

    ✔️ Free Shipping

    Blood Test + Nutritionist pre-consultation


    ✔️ At-home blood test

    ✔️ Detailed report with results

    ✔️ Results within 2-3 working days

    ✔️ Free Shipping

    ✔️ Personalized dietary advice

    ✔️ 1:1 consultation with a Nutritionist expert

    Blood Test + GP pre-consultation


    ✔️ At-home blood test

    ✔️ Detailed report with results

    ✔️ Results within 2-3 working days

    ✔️ Free Shipping

    ✔️ Personalized medical advice

    ✔️ 1:1 consultation with a GP passionate about women's health

    All in: Blood Test + GP + Nutritrionist consultation


    ✔️ At-home blood test

    ✔️ Detailed report with results

    ✔️ Results within 2-3 working days

    ✔️ Free Shipping

    ✔️ Comprehensive medical and dietary advice

    ✔️  1:1 consultation with a GP passionate about women's health

    ✔️ 1:1 consultation with a Nutritionist expert

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